I imagine a world, where people’s intentions come to be, where others would admire their beauty, understanding their origins and intent.
I imagine a place, where one’s outward critique, would be met with honest pause and reflection, evaluated only on its merits to create something for others first, satisfying oneself second.
I imagine a time, when one’s thoughts could drift, unfettered by self censorship, where trust was implied, and anxiety, fear, depression and anger were embraced by others, seeking to soothe their start.
I imagine an age, where the tranquility of an idea, wasn’t drowned out with all the necessities, conditions and contingencies, of where those ideas may lead.
I imagine a friend, whose life mattered as much as my own, whose health and wellness was bound up with mine, whose hopes and dreams drifted aimlessly along my own.
I imagine a foe, whose hate ran so deep, such that they would confront me with their words, aiming them at my mind and my heart, trying to bring us closer together with their strike.
I imagine a day, where all our tools and efforts, reflected a love that lay deep within ourselves, enlightening each of us as to the power that we each hold inside.
I imagine a home, where every door led to other doors, only opened with a warmth of heart, a sharing spirit that transcends the walls that separate ourselves from each other.
I imagine a life, whose tears and smiles were one in the same, whose days did not bleed from one day to the other, whose senses guided them through the mystery of being, whose address was known by all.
I imagine a death, whose time came without a sorrow, whose impact was felt by all, whose story was always told.
I imagine to imagine, because without it, I wouldn’t know what was possible.